Monday, January 20, 2014

It’s hard to believe that December is over already. However, what an exciting month it was! It was full of anticipation and wonder. As adults we sometimes get caught up in all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, but to relive the joy of it through a child’s eyes is truly amazing. We have been very busy in the preschool room preparing for the birth of our Savior, Jesus! We created our own version of the stable in our classroom, where the preschoolers could dress up as Mary, Joseph or an angel and role play. Our Christmas Program was also held at the beginning of the month. And each child was given their own personal Bible to bring home and share God’s Word with their families.



During Jesus time, we studied the Angel Visiting Mary, what Advent means and why it is worth the wait. We wrapped up the year by learning about the birth of Jesus.
A few new letter friends came to meet the preschoolers. These included Ms. P, who has pointy patches and Mr. G, who likes Gooey Gum, but who also taught us how to clean up our garbage.

Seatwork time included many different activities as well. We played color/shape bingo, learned the candy cane story, and focused on objects that rhyme.  Music and Movement time we continued to work on coordination skills with different bean bag songs. We also tried out lummi sticks for the first time. Boy, the preschoolers sure enjoyed them!

Art time kept the preschoolers’ hands very busy. From making angels, to decorating Christmas trees, to marble painting the gift bags for their parent ornament gifts.

















Snack time incorporated several themes that we focused on during class. The preschoolers enjoyed making angels and Baby Jesus in a Manager out of their snacks. We also ate pudding to celebrate the arrival of Ms. P. Everyone enjoyed eating ice cream sandwiches one afternoon. Chef Combo came one last time during the 2013 year and helped us making cinnamon pretzels. They were tasty!






I would like to take the time to reiterate Ms. Patrice’s thank you to all the families for the warm Christmas wishes and the gifts. It is truly a blessing to spend time with each of the preschoolers as well as share the love of Jesus with them. We have an amazing group of children in our classroom, whom all come from such wonderful families. Again, thank you!
I hope to bring us up-to-date with the blog posts through our current date in January in the next few days. Until then, thanks for your support for our classroom!





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