Tuesday, December 10, 2013

November has come and gone, but as we look back we can see how many things we can be thankful for not only during this month, but all year round. The preschoolers were questioned what things they were most thankful for. Family and friends were a big hit, however we also heard some pretty creative and unique answers.  God has given us a wonderful group of preschoolers to work with every Tuesday and Thursday!





During Jesus Time, at the end of November, we looked at the stories of Jesus calming the storm, as well as Jesus healing a paralyzed man. The first story taught us that it is okay to be still even when life is tossing and turning us in a storm. Our faith and trust in God will help us through some difficult times. BE STILL AND TRUST IN GOD! 
We did not meet any new letter friends the last few weeks in November. However, we did take time to go back and review the previous letter friends that have already joined our classroom. It is amazing how the preschoolers, at this young of an age, can recall the songs and narrative behind each letter reviewed to date.

We’ve been busy during seatwork time doing several different activities. We worked on recognizing and counting to the number five by gluing kernels of corn to a Thanksgiving poem. Another activity focused on making shapes by following a dashed line. The final activity involved matching shapes that looked similar. The preschoolers did a great job with each of these activities. 




Our main focus during this time was on the First Thanksgiving, the pilgrims, the Indians and all the foods, sights, etc. that came along with it. During art time we were busy making turkeys, Indian hats, and teepees. We even created our very own teepee in the classroom, where the preschoolers could crawl inside and spend some quiet time. We also enjoyed having snack around the teepee with each other.  We made our own corn bread during class time to enjoy as a snack as we pretended to be pilgrims and Indians.









We would like to thank each family for their generous donations towards our pajama drive to date! The pile of pajamas is growing large, and we will be making several boys and girls very happy this coming holiday. What a great lesson to teach the children at such a young age. Sometimes the giving in life is more meaningful and heartfelt then the actual reverse. Again, thank you for your support!









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