Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November is the month where we often sit back and reflect on those things and people in our lives that we are truly grateful for. As the preschool teachers, we hope each of you know how thankful we are to have your children in our class. What a joy they bring to our classroom!
We have covered several topics these past couple of weeks during class time. The Preschoolers are also practicing their songs for the Christmas Program which will be held on Saturday, December 7th at 6:00 PM at Trinity Lutheran Church.




During Jesus Time this past week we studied the story of how Jesus Fed 5,000 People. From this story we learned how Jesus provides us with what we need. The previous week we reviewed the story of Baby Moses and how he was saved by being placed in a basket in the river. Moses was destined to go on and do many great things in life by serving the Lord.
This past two weeks two new letter friends have joined our classroom. The first letter friend was Ms. F, who has funny feet. The other letter friend was Mr. O, who likes opposites. The preschoolers have done a great job learning about opposites during class. Please test them at home with a few things that are opposite, such as up/down, yes/no, open/close, etc. You might be amazed at how many they can get correct!
We’ve been busy during art time as well! We started out by painting a paper plate brown. Once dried, we cut and used half to create our turkeys, and then used the other half for our baskets for our five loaves of bread and two fish (Jesus Feeds 5,000 story). We also made our own baskets with Baby Moses inside to help us recall this story.






During Science we worked on cleaning pennies with a salt, vinegar and baking soda solution. The preschoolers were given a penny and a toothbrush to “shine” up their pennies and allowing them to soak. What a fun experiment!





Several new activities took place during seat work time. We worked on our numbers with M&M’s and the bus sheet. Hopefully each of you has had a chance to participate with your child in this activity at home. We also took some time to work on our colors and shapes by playing Color Bingo.





Music time is always fun and exciting. The highlight of these past two weeks, besides learning our Christmas songs, was using the bean bags to several songs. From balancing the bean bags on our heads, to marching around the room in bean bag parade, the room was filled with laughter and smiles! 






We continue to focus on things we are grateful for during this month. Take a moment to tell your child how happy you are to have them in your life. And always, thank God everyday for everyone and everything that has come your way!  




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