Monday, September 28, 2015

Preschool - 9.15, 9.17, 9.22, 9.24

We are cruising through the month of September and boy have we learned so many new things these past few weeks! The preschoolers are doing an amazing job each and every day. Picture day also went really well with many shared smiles at the camera J!

At the start of our day, we come together as a group and work on our calendar. We review the months of the year, the days of the week and the weather during each class session. Our letter friends for the week also are greeted during this time. During the week of September 15th and 17th, we met Mr. H and his happy hair. Mr. H loves to be healthy and shared with us different ways we can keep ourselves healthy. Such items included (1) getting plenty of sleep each night, (2) using a tissue when we cough/sneeze, (3) exercising every day, (4) eating nutritious food, (5) getting plenty of sunshine and fresh air, and (6) brushing and flossing our teeth. This past week, Mr. M came to greet us and told us all about his munching mouth. During the week, he helped us learn about our five senses as well.

During seatwork time, the preschoolers worked on tracing up/down lines and then moved on to forming curved lines, followed by completing closed circles. These tasks help them on their fine motor skills, including eye and hand coordination. The preschoolers also tested out how many germs were on their hands by pressing their handprints into a slice of bread to see if the germs would grow into bad things over a few days. Overall, we have some pretty healthy kiddos, as not too many germs were transferred to the bread during our experimental time!

We have been busy cooking in our classroom and using our five senses during this time. This past class we baked some blueberry muffins and the week prior we made homemade applesauce. YUMMY!! We have a good set of chefs on our hands too J!

Art work has included making healthy habit mobiles that are hanging in our classroom. We also colored crazy fruit headbands and worked very hard on creating our jack-o-lanterns for our bulletin board pumpkin patch!

Jesus time was spent focusing on how God has given us our senses and the ability to use them as we explore his wonderful creations. We can see the rainbows in the sky, smell the flowers in the field, taste the fruit from the tree, hear the birds sing a song and touch the grass in our yards. God has provided us with many wonders and ways to explore them.

As a reminder, on October 4th we will be singing with the Pre-K class at Trinity Church (16th & Luther) during the 10:30 service. The preschoolers have been working hard learning their Thankfulness Song, and Ms. Angie is also learning the song on her ukulele! We hope each of you will join us.

Blessing to each of you!

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